Announcement 12/29/21

Moose Society NFT
4 min readDec 29, 2021

It’s been quite a ride these last 5 days. I know you all have heard me say this on the AMA’s & the Twitter Space the other night, but We did not think that we were going to grow at the rate we did with over 100 holders in 5 days. We are thrilled at the pace and growth we are having. We are exactly where we think the community needs to be.

We want to layout the next week or so for everyone so that you all have an understanding of what an OG Moose really means.

As some of you know, the first 500 sold is supposed to give the holders the OG role. Once that is complete, and we have 500 minted, we will pause the sale. During this time, we will be able to catch up on some of the important things like:

  1. Make sure the lands are ready for deployment
  2. Getting the list of the addresses of the MEGA Moose holders
  3. Creating the Land Owners role on Discord
  4. Sending out the first lands to holders of 10 or more Moose
  5. Creating new buzz about the next drop of 500–1000
  6. Start new twitter promotions
  7. Loyal Holder Games & Giveaways in Discord
  8. Start a Reddit channel
  9. Rest

We will pause the minting for 7 days and give the community a chance to work together and hit the next push hard while we continue to work on the list above.

When we start minting again, the minting price will go up to 0.01 ETH for the next 500 minted so if you have been on the fence or just been waiting for a perfect time, this would be it.

I am trying to stay positive with the fees, I know the gas has been a bull. I totally get it. There are a lot of people that are patiently waiting to become a part of our amazing community, we are waiting too. Once the gas goes down a little I think we will have a rise in our numbers.


  • Once 500 are minted, the sale will be paused for 7 days
  • Minting price will go up to 0.01 ETH when the sale starts again
  • Get lands ready for holders
  • Twitter Promos

We are aware that many of you have previously received airdrops and there are a few that are still waiting in the woods. With gas prices the way they have been lately I have not sent these out. 99.99% of you understand that gas can be a killer so I am saving as many community funds as possible by waiting for optimum gas pricing to get these sent out. Rest assured we have not forgotten you and we appreciate your patience.

We had some awesome ideas from the AMA last night like:

  • Allowing holders to send out cards to children in hospitals. Mike, Sean & I could possibly hand those out to them if the covid restrictions allow us to.
  • Possibly using community funds once we are established more to create a small Stuffed Moose to give to them.
  • Creating a special reward for the OG members
  • Giving 100% of Merch sales to the Children’s Hospital each month

I created a few new channels in Discord for you all. #HOLDER TWEETS is for you to be able to share your tweet links. & #MOOSE MERCH is where I would like you to tag me and request your NFT. I cant do all of them and it’s getting really, really hard doing all of this alone. So, it is just easier until I get help to just do one at a time. I will upload your design and send the link in the same channel for you. Please, one at a time per link.

I have started to create promo videos. I have one out that I did yesterday and I am working on one to explain the Roadmap. If you have any other Ideas, please tag me in the #PROJECT SUGGESTIONS

I hope you all are enjoying what I have worked hard to start, now WE build! This is no longer my project, this is OURS. So, from this point on, I have made SULLY & TOMMY mods. They will be able to take care of anything if I am not around or not able to. They will be able to help you all out as they are really supportive of the project and have a very good knowledge of how it’s working.

Again, I did not expect this amount of support. I started this thinking that it was going to take me months to get where we are. I’m very happy about the organic growth and the community we are building. Each day our numbers are growing. Each day more and more people find out about us. It’s a saturated market, we need to stand out. This community can do that!




Moose Society NFT

We started the Moose Society with one goal in mind, helping kids. By partnering with Excel to Excellence & The Children’s Hospital, we all can do our part!